Residency Responsibilities
The Crossroads Board of Trustees/Management reserves the right to dismiss any resident for non-payment and/or any conduct not deemed in keeping with the goals or values of the program of recovery set forth by The Crossroads.
1. There will be no use or possession of alcohol and/or drugs while in residency at Crossroads. There will be no visitors allowed on any Crossroads property under the influence of alcohol and/or drugs. All residents and visitors are subject to search by any means required or deemed necessary to ensure compliance. Any violation will result in immediate dismissal and possible police intervention or prosecution.
2. Attendance of Sunday morning Christian worship services once each week is mandatory.
3. Active participation in Body Builders, Builders Small Group and Recovery Room is mandatory. Each Crossroads student is required to have mentor that is approved by staff. Mentors will be contacted by residents on a regular basis and meet with the Manager when requested.
4. There will be no profane language allowed by residents or visitors. Resident violations will result in occupancy review and visitor violations will result in removal from the property.
5. Visitation policy is as follows:
a. Visitors are welcome with the approval from the Manager from 5:00 PM until 9:00 PM each day. No visitor may enter after 9:00 PM.
b. Approved mentors will be always allowed with notification to the Manager.
c. Visitation by friends will be in the common area, porch, or yard only. All visitors must be approved by the Manager and are required to sign in and out. Visitors will never be allowed in the sleeping quarters at Crossroads. There will be no exceptions to this policy and violations will result in immediate dismissal.
d. Visitors will respect all residency agreements and conduct themselves in a manner that is in keeping with the Christian values of Crossroads. Copies of signed agreements will be made available to all visitors. The Manager will in expel any visitor from the premises who does not respect the recovery of each resident and the Christian environment of Crossroads. This decision is based solely on the Manager’s judgement of the situation.
e. Family visits will be on the weekends on Saturday.
6. Curfew is 09:00 PM Sunday - Thursday and 11:00 PM Friday and Saturday. Residents will sign in and out. Exceptions to curfew will be granted for shift work and must be documented by pay stubs, including a supervisor's signature. Failure to comply with curfew will result in residency review. Individual one-time exceptions may be granted by Manager/Director approval.
7. All entrance doors to Crossroads will be locked at all times.
8. Residents will, always, keep their sleeping quarters clean and orderly. Beds will be made each morning and inspections will be conducted by the Manager. Consistent violators will be dismissed.
9. Residents will be responsible for personal hygiene and will shower each day. Facial hair will always be trimmed neatly. All clothing and bed linens will be washed regularly. Personal hygiene articles will be stored neatly out of sight. Bathrooms will be kept clean and sanitized. All residents will be equally responsible for bathroom cleaning and sanitation.
10. Common areas will be kept spotless. All residents will be equally responsible for cleanliness and organization of the common areas.
11. Meal preparation is the responsibility of each resident and all pots, pans, dishes, etc. will be washed and put in the proper storage area after each use. All garbage will be deposited in the proper container and removed to the outside collection area when full. Chronic non-compliance will result in suspension of kitchen privileges.
12. The Executive Director, Director of Operations, and House Manager must be notified by all residents of any medications, both prescription and over-the-counter, that are being taken. Certain prescription medications will be dispensed only by management. Use of any mind or mood-altering medications is not allowed and will result in the resident's dismissal. On rare occasions exceptions may be granted by the Executive Director only based on individual circumstances.
13. Duties such as house cleaning, yard work and general property maintenance will be assigned on a rotating basis by the manager and will be performed on a timely basis. Failure to cooperate will result in dismissal.
14. Smoking or the use of tobacco products is not permitted inside The Crossroads this includes vaping. Cigarette butts are to be disposed of in containers provided and never thrown on the ground.
15. Gambling is prohibited. This includes lottery tickets.
16. There will be no solicitation by residents or visitors or personal loans between residents.
17. Residents will always dress appropriately.
a. Clothing containing references to drugs, alcohol or lewd behavior is prohibited; b. Sleeveless shirts are prohibited.
b. Shirts must be worn outdoors.
c. Residents are responsible for the dress of their visitors and those not respecting the dress code will be asked to leave.
18. Cell phones must be placed on "vibrate" or "silent" after curfew times.
19. Television programming will be monitored for content.
20. There will be no additional tattoos or body piercing while in residence at Crossroads. There will be no body piercing jewelry worn while at Crossroads.
21. All residents will attend the weekly community meetings as scheduled by Management. Required attendance will include but not be limited to Christian worship services, Body Builders meetings, Body Builders Small Group, Recovery Room, Mentor contacts and employment meetings.
22. Mandatory Community Service will be scheduled the first and third Saturdays of each month. Residents will participate in one of these events each month. The two dates will be scheduled based on seniority.
23. While in residence at Crossroads, single residents will maintain a celibate lifestyle. Married residents will be private about their intimate relations with their spouse.
24. Pets are not allowed indoors at Crossroads.
25. Residents will attend faith-based counseling while at Crossroads.
26. Personal property left unclaimed after seventy-two (72) hours of vacating Crossroads will be disposed of at Crossroads discretion.
27. Residents may not enter into an agreement to purchase or make a purchase which would endanger their ability to fulfill agreed upon financial obligations to Crossroads. Residents shall discuss any such financial plans with the Executive Director prior to the expenditure.
28. All residents must be employed. At no time will a resident quit a job without giving a two-week notice. At no time will a resident give a two-week notice without securing a new job to begin upon the completion of the current two-week notice.
29. All rooms and/or vehicles are subject to search by staff, state, or local law enforcement at any time during your residency at Crossroads.
30. Crossroads reserves the right to alter or amend any and/or all rules listed above or to create new rules as conditions dictate.
The above responsibilities are subject to revision at any time by the Board of Trustee or Executive Director. Revisions or changes will be effective immediately upon being communicated to residents.
Crossroads is a program of recovery and is not governed by State or local real estate rental laws or ordinances.